The Art of Removal
We’re not here to print labels and fill closets – we’re here to inspire change and make a difference.
Throughout the Rocky Mountain West, our outdoor pursuits, professions and properties are increasingly threatened by wildfires. While fires are widely considered a healthy part of nature’s cycle, the scale of these fires have grown considerably due to the neglected abundance of deadfall wood present on public and private land.
Drought years and higher-than average temperatures caused by climate change have allowed for beetle infestations of forests at altitudes previously unaffected by this destructive insect. The results are staggering. Millions of acres and entire landscapes of once-green lodgepole pines have been transformed into barren expanses of kindling.
Through strategic partnerships and targeted forestry projects, we are taking on the growing Pine Beetle epidemic. It’s our goal to flip the conversation around forestry and tree removal, and inspire others to spread the good word too.

Hard Facts
- One in 14 standing trees in Colorado forests are dead.
- That is roughly 834 million standing dead trees in Colorado alone.
- Colorado has seen a 30 percent increase in standing dead trees since 2010.
- The pine beetle epidemic has killed trees across 3.4 million acres in CO.
*credit – Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests, The Colorado State Forest Service, 2017